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Choose your pricing plan

  • Yearly Pass

    Every month
    This plan pays for 2 sessions per week for one year
    Valid for 12 months+ 7 day free trial
    • Group Training Session
  • Create My Package

    You and I will discuss which days are best for you and we'll create your very own package with the days you set to exercise for just $10
    Valid for 3 months
    • 1-on-1 Personal Training
  • Paid in Full

    This Plan pays for an entire year of one type of service. ($35/month)
    • Unlimited Group Personal Training Classes
    • Free Fitness Consultation
    • 1 Free Personal Training Session
    • 1 Free Yoga Session (Studio)
  • Platinum PT - 1 Month

    Every week
    1 Personal Training Session per week for 4 weeks
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Free Group Personal Training Session
    • 1st PT Session is Free! with purchase of plan
  • Platinum LvL II

    Every week
    1 Personal Training Session per week for 2 months
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • 10% DISCOUNT per session.
    • 1st PT Session is Free with purchase of plan
  • Platinum Lvl III

    Every week
    1 Personal Training Session per week for 3 months
    Valid for 13 weeks+ 3 day free trial
    • 15% DISCOUNT per session with 3 month commitment
    • 1st PT Session is free with purchase of plan
  • Triple Platinum PT

    3 Personal Training Sessions per week for 4 weeks
    Valid for one month
    • Free Group Personal Training Session included!
    • Get 10 % OFF Each Session
  • Triple Platinum II

    Every week
    3 Personal Training sessions per week for 2 months
    Valid for 8 weeks+ 7 day free trial
    • 20% DISCOUNT OFF each session
    • 1 Free Group Fitness Session included!!
  • Triple Platinum III

    Every week
    This Plan pays for 3 Personal Training sessions a week for 3 months
    Valid for 12 weeks+ 7 day free trial
    • May require GYM equipment
    • 30% DISCOUNT OFF all sessions
  • Remote Silver

    Receive a 4 week workout plan to complete at own pace.
    Valid for one month
    • Workout plan custom built for you!!
    • May require gym equipment.
    • You'll complete a Self-guided Training Session
    • 1 Free Personal Training Session included!
  • Remote Silver II

    Every month
    1 Self-Guided session per week for 2 months
    Valid for 2 months+ 7 day free trial
    • May require gym equipment.
    • Workout plan custom built for you!!
    • 15% DISCOUNT per day when you commit to 2 months
  • Remote Silver III

    Every month
    1 Remote Sessions per week for 3 months
    Valid for 3 months+ 3 day free trial
    • 1 Free Personal Training Session included!
    • 1 Free Group Fitness session included!!
    • 25% DISCOUNT per session
  • Senior Fitness Package, 2/wk-1mth

    This plan pays for 2 sessions per week for 1 months. 10% OFF each session with this package.
    Valid for one month
    • Senior Wellness
    • Fitness Consultation
  • Senior Fitness Package, 2/wk-6mth

    This plan pays for 2 sessions per week for 6 months. 20% OFF each session with this plan
    Valid for 6 months
    • Senior Wellness
  • Senior Group Fitness Membership

    Every month
    This membership plan pay for up to 3 sessions per week for 1 year for a specific group of 12 participants. 20% OFF each session!
    Valid for 12 months+ 3 day free trial
    • Senior Wellness
    • Assisted Stretching and/or Massage
    • Group Training Session
    • Fitness Consultation
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